Saturday, September 15, 2007

Session VIII: Service Planning Lecture

[Mark Dever 5:00pm Friday evening 9/14/07]

All of us gathered together over another great meal provided by the humble service of members of CHBC and the generosity of 9Marks ministries. We had ribs, pulled pork with great home-made potato salad, green been casserole etc. It was great...and the fellowship was great as well!

I had to go upstairs to set-up the hospitality center for the rest of the evening so I wasn't present for the entire discussion of service planning. I wanted to put a post out for this though because it is a great talk...discussing planning sermons months in advance, including a theological and anthropological theme, planning a corresponding sermon from the opposite testament of the morning service, a discussion of the sermon planning grid etc. It is an excellent model of how to preach the entire counsel of God through deliberate planning and how to determine what texts to preach on, how to pick hymns, etc.

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