Monday, November 06, 2006

Names of God: Improper Antropomorphic Descriptions of God

From Herman Bavinck's The Doctrine of God [Banner of Truth pp. 86-88]
God has a soul [Lev. 26:11; Matt. 12:28]
A Spirit [Gen. 1:2; etc.]
Mention is never made of God's body, although in Christ God assumed a real human body [John 1:14; Col. 2:17]
Church is called the body of Christ [Eph. 1:22]

Bodily Organs
Countenance [Ex. 3:20, 23; Is. 63:9; Ps. 16:11; Matt. 18:10; Rev. 22:4]
Eyes [Ps. 11:4; Heb. 4:13]
Eyelids [Ps. 11:4]
Apple of his eye [Deut. 32:10; Ps. 17:8; Zech. 2:3]
Ears [Ps. 55:1]
Nose [Deut. 33:10]
Mouth [Deut. 8:3]
Lips [Job 11:5]
Tongue [Is. 30:27]
Neck [Jer 18:17]
Arms [Ex. 15:16]
Hand [Num. 11:23]
Right hand [Ex. 15:12]
Finger [Ex. 8:19]
Heart [Gen. 6:6]
"Yearning of his heart" (A. V.: "sounding of his bowels") [Is 63:15; cf. Jer. 31:20; Luke 1:78]
Bosom [Ps 74:11]
Foot [Is. 66:1]

Human Emotions
Joy [Is. 62:5]
Rejoicing [Is. 65:19]
Grief [Ps. 78:40; Is. 63:10]
Anger [Jer. 7:18, 19]
Fear [Deut. 32:27]
Love, in all its variations (e.g. compassion, mercy, grace, longsuffering, etc.)
Zeal and Jealousy [Deut. 32:21]
Grief [Gen 6:6]
Hatred [Deut. 16:22]
Wrath [Ps. 2:5]
Vengeance [Deut. 32:35]

Human actions Ascribed to God
Knowing [Gen. 18:21]
Trying [Ps. 7:9]
Thinking [Gen. 50:20]
Forgetting [1 Sam. 1:11]
Remembering [Gen. 8:1; Ex. 2:24]
Speaking [Gen. 2:16]
Calling [Rom. 4:17]
Commanding [Is. 5:6]
Rebuking [Ps. 18:15; 104:7]
Answering [Ps. 3:4]
Witnessing [Mal. 2:14]
Resting [Gen. 2:2]
Working [John 5:17]
Seeing [Gen. 1:10]
Hearing [Ex. 2:24]
Smelling [Gen. 8:21]
Tasting [Ps. 11:4, 5]
Sitting [Ps. 9:7]
Rising [Ps. 68:1]
Going [Ex. 34:9]
Coming [Ex. 24:22]
Walking [Lev. 26:12]
Descending [Gen. 11:5]
Meeting [Ex. 3:18]
Visiting [Gen. 21:1]
Passing [Ex. 12:13]
Casting off [Judg. 6:13]
Writing [Ex. 34:1]
Sealing [John 6:27]
Graving [Is. 49:16]
Smiting [Is. 11:4]
Chastening [Deut. 8:5]
Punishing [Job 5:17]
Binding up the wounds and healing [Ps. 147:3; cf. Ps. 103:3; Deut. 32:39]
Killing and making alive [Deut. 32:39]
Wiping away tears [Is. 25:8]
Wiping (out) [2 Kings 21:13]
Washing [Ps. 51:2]
Anointing [Ps. 2:6]
Cleansing [Ps. 51:2]
Decking with ornaments [Ezek. 16:11]
Clothing (with) [Ps. 132:16]
Crowning [Ps. 8:5]
Girding with strength [Ps. 18:32]
Destroying [Gen. 6:7]
Laying waste (making a waste) [Lev. 26:31]
Killing [Gen. 38:7]
Plaguing [Gen. 12:17]
Judging [Ps. 58:11]
Condemning [Job 10:2]

Names which indicate a certain office, profession or relation among men.
Bridegroom [Is. 61:10]
Husband [Is. 54:5]
Father [Deut. 32:6]
Judge, King, Lawgiver [Is. 33:22]
Man of War [Ex. 15:3]
Hero [Ps. 78:65; Zeph. 3:17]
Builder (architect) and Maker [Heb. 11:10]
Husbandman [John 15:1]
Shepherd [Ps. 23:1]
Physician [Ex. 15:26]

In connection with these mention is made of his seat, throne, footstool, rod, scepter, weapons, bow, arrow, sword, shield, wagon, banner, book, seal, treasure, inheritance, etc.

In order to indicate what God is for his children language derived from the organic and inorganic creation is even applied to God.
Lion [Is. 31:4]
Eagle [Deut. 32:11]
Lamb [Is. 53:7]
Hen [Matt. 23:37]
Sun [Ps. 84:11]
Morning Star [Rev. 22:16]
Light [Ps. 27:1]
Torch [Rev. 21:23]
Fire [Heb. 12:29]
Fountain [Ps. 36:9]
Fountain of Living Waters [Jer. 2:13]
Food, Bread, Water, Drink, Ointment [Is. 55:1; John 4:10; 6:35, 55]
Rock [Deut. 32:4]
Hiding Place [Ps. 91:1; 121:5]
Shield [Ps. 84:11]
Way [John 14:6]
Temple [Rev. 21:22]

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