Last night I had the opportunity to preach the gospel at the kick-off rally at Farragut Square for an event that happens every fall and spring called "40 Days for Life". It's a prayer vigil where people gather together to pray for 40 days outside of abortion providers, namely Planned Parenthood. This is a peaceful effort that seeks to respect the doctors and families affected, and it seeks to obey the law.
Again, I don't have a recording of my sermon, but I do have a manuscript. If you're interested just shoot me an email. One of my aims was to express that even though we have disagreements about what the gospel is and what makes a person a Christian we do share a conviction from the Bible that abortion is wrong. While we don't have unity in the gospel we do have a common interest to see the end of abortion. Then I tried to make the gospel clear, and encourage people to repent and believe and to pray gospel-centered prayers, and to counsel with the gospel.
Hi Noah, this is Michael from CHBC, were you doing street (open air) preaching? I would love to come support you sometime, and can probably bring a few people with advance notice.
Hey brother. Well, this was an event that they asked for a preacher to come from our church. I don't do street preaching regularly. That said, some of us are hatching a plan to do some preaching that may turn into open air preaching, I'm not sure just yet though.
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